

My name is Zhang and I have been a successful online entrepreneur for 15 years. During my time in the industry, I have gained extensive experience on various methods and skills of online entrepreneurship. In this article, I will share my experience in making extra income by engaging in tomb raiding as a part-time job.

What is Tomb Raiding?

Tomb raiding, also known as grave robbing, is an illegal practice whereby individuals explore ancient tombs with the aim of uncovering valuable artifacts and treasures. This practice is considered illegal in many countries due to its damaging effects on archaeological sites and disrespect towards the dead. However, some people still engage in tomb raiding in order to make quick profits by selling the found artifacts.

Why Choose Tomb Raiding as a Side Hustle?

Tomb raiding presents a lucrative opportunity for those seeking side hustles that require specialized skills and knowledge. There are many potential buyers for the retrieved artifacts, both within the country and internationally. The value of the artifacts is often dependent on factors such as age, rarity, and condition. However, before engaging in tomb raiding, it is important to note that it is an illegal practice in many countries, and violators may face severe legal consequences.

How to Get Started?

Getting started in tomb raiding requires specialized knowledge on the location and structure of ancient tombs. It is recommended to start by conducting extensive research on the history and geography of the area where one intends to conduct their raids. Additionally, it is important to have specialized tools such as metal detectors, excavation equipment, and protective gear. It is important to note that tomb raiding is often associated with danger, hence it is advisable to seek help from experienced raiders or professionals.

Legal Issues with Tomb Raiding

As mentioned earlier, tomb raiding is an illegal practice in many countries, and thus violators may face severe legal consequences. In China, for instance, the protection of cultural relics is a major aspect of the country’s laws, and unauthorized excavation and removal of cultural relics are considered crimes. In cases where archaeological sites have been damaged, or relics have been stolen, the perpetrators can face up to life imprisonment.


Tomb raiding may present a potential option for those seeking to make extra income through side hustles. However, it is important to note that this practice is illegal in many countries, and may result in severe legal consequences. It is recommended to undertake extensive research and seek professional help before engaging in tomb raiding, including consulting with local authorities on the laws and regulations regarding the practice.
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